Manually adding a 4G Camera
Manually adding 4G Camera: To reconnect to your 4G camera, the following steps can be used:
1. Stand close to the camera and use your mobile to search for available WiFi networks
2. Connect to the network called MIFI_** using password 1234567890
3. Once connected, open up the CamHipro app on your mobile phone
4. Tap to add a camera, select IP Camera and then select Device in Use
5. Then, select the option to 'Search nearby devices' and after a moment, a UID normally starting SSAA- should appear
6. Tap on this UID and select 'Add to' and your camera should be readded to your mobile
What is worth noting is the camera may show 'wrong password'. If it does, tap where it says 'wrong password' and you can update the login details using the username admin and then the password for your camera you set up when first setting up the camera.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch.